Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) was recently discovered in DuPage County in Northeast Illinois. One of the most aggressive invaders in the forests of southern Illinois, the DuPage County discovery, along with the discovery of populations in Will County in 2011 and in McHenry County in 2012, indicates that stiltgrass has the potential to establish anywhere in Illinois.
Finding and controlling any new populations before they become well established is crucial to management. Please keep a look out for this species and if you find a suspect population, please report it. There are many people and programs available to help you with verification of ID and control strategies.
If you are in NE Illinois, you can report populations to the New Invaders Watch Program at www.newinvaders.org.
For areas outside of NE Illinois, you can report infestations to Chris Evans, Illinois Wildlife Action Plan Invasive Species Campaign Coordinator at chris.evans@illinois.gov.
For more information: Illinois CAPS Program