CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The statewide average precipitation for June 2014 in Illinois was 6.78 inches, 2.58 inches above average and the 8th wettest June on record, according to Illinois State Climatologist Jim Angel, Illinois State Water Survey, University of Illinois.
The wettest June on record was in 1902 with 8.27 inches. Four out of the last five June's have been wetter than average in Illinois.
The rainfall was widespread across the state. The area with the highest departures was the northwest corner of the state. There were 13 stations with 10 or more inches of rain in June. The wettest was Galena with 12.42 inches of rain for the month.
Much of the Corn Belt was wetter than average for June with precipitation departures from average in the range of 6 to 10 inches. That's more than double the average in many locations. The results are high flows on many rivers and streams and flooding along the main stem of the Mississippi River south of Dubuque, IA.
The statewide average temperature for June 2014 in Illinois was 72.9 degrees, 1.1 degrees above average.