CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The statewide average temperature for May in Illinois was 63.9 degrees F, which is 1.2 degrees above average. This is the first month for temperatures to be above average in Illinois since October 2013, according to Illinois State Climatologist Jim Angel, Illinois State Water Survey, University of Illinois.

Monthly Temperature Departure for Illinois
for 2013/14
The statewide average precipitation for May in Illinois was 4.26 inches, just 0.34 inches below average. Some of the heaviest rainfall totals for May occurred in Cook County, including Burnham-Hegewisch with 7.64 inches and Homewood with 7.58 inches.
The area of concern for May was a large section across western and central Illinois, where rainfall totaled only 1 to 3 inches. One of the drier locations in west-central Illinois was Roseville with a total of only 1.32 inches. The U.S.