CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – The Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) is set to conduct an inventory of private wells in the rural areas surrounding Armington, Congerville, Danvers, Deer Creek, Goodfield, Hopedale, Mackinaw, McLean, Minier, Morton, and Stanford to determine water levels, pump settings, and well depths for all local wells.
Geology students from Illinois State University, hired for the project, and Illinois State Water Survey staff will be going door to door starting the week of May 10 and continuing though the summer, talking with well owners about their wells and explaining the benefits of collecting sound data.
The goal of the study is to create a record of current conditions and well information so that should any future development of the Mahomet aquifer in the region occur, there is a record of the current status of the aquifer. Knowing the well depths and pump settings will allow ISWS scientists to predict how future development of the aquifer might impact existing wells.
"This information is vital for creating a record of the existing conditions in the aquifer, as well as determining how many wells might be impacted by any additional pumpage from the aquifer," said Allen Wehrmann, head of the Center for Groundwater Science at ISWS.
Students will be visiting every home in the study area. Should no one be home, they will leave a card with contact information so that the homeowner can schedule a time for the students to return. Well owners will be asked to verify information about their well and allow ISWS staff to measure the depth to water in their well.
"Having a record of your water elevation and pump setting today will provide a lasting record of the aquifer conditions at your well," said Mel Pleines, Mackinaw Valley Water Authority, "Should those conditions change because of additional withdrawals from the aquifer, this data are proof that your well has been affected."
There will be a public meeting on Monday, May 10th at the Olympia West School in Minier at 7 p.m. to allow the public to ask questions. Well owners are encouraged to call Steve Wilson or Kevin Rennels at ISWS or members of their water authority board for more information. This inventory project is funded by the Allin Township, Danvers Township, and Mackinaw Valley Water Authorities.
The ISWS is a Division of the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.