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  • Grades, Grading, and Student Ratings

    Grades, Grading, and Student Ratings. Did you ask your students for informal early feedback (IEF)? Did you ask them a question about your grading and/or provision of useful feedback on their work? Were scores on these items a little lower than you would like? This short article provides some timely teaching ideas that you can use to improve this situation.

  • What Successful New Teachers Do

    What Successful New Teachers Do. Robert Boice describes “quick starters” as those new faculty members who are effective, efficient, and satisfied in their teaching.   They also receive high ratings from their students and colleagues.  They connect with their students, understand the best ways to enhance learning, and can locate and maximize available resources.  To learn from these “quick starters,” please click here.

  • Have a Paper Slam.

    Have a Paper Slam. Student often write research papers, but may not have an opportunity to learn about other students’ research. A paper slam is an innovative way to facilitate this learning without devoting many class sessions to student presentations. Check out page 4 of the April 2008 issue of The Teaching Professor.

  • Take a Vote

    Take a Vote. Make a statement based on the lecture content and ask students for a show of hands if they agree, disagree, or don't know A discussion of why may follow.

  • Student Experts.

    Student Experts. Have students become experts on key points through-out the semester. Students can be responsible for a small part of a lecture where their "key point" is featured.