Over half of students at the University of Illinois take out loans to fund their degrees. Make sure you're not surprised by the amount of student loans you have taken out when you graduate by taking the Know What You Owe module in Moodle.
Take the Know What You Owe challenge to learn:
- how to find your student loan information
- ways to reduce your overall borrowing
- sources for diversifying funding for school
- opportunities to increase the value of your degree
To enroll in Moodle & take the challenge:
- visit uillinois.edu/knowwhatyouowe
- click the NetID Login button & use your normal login credentials (requires 2FA)
- under Self-enrollment (Student), click the orange "Enroll Me" button
You will be entered for a chance to win one of five gift cards if you complete the survey by December 15, 2019. *To be eligible for the drawing, you must be a U.S. citizen.
Already enter during another campaign period? Enter again! Regularly checking your student loan balances can help control your debt.