USIgnite, a nonprofit organization that fosters the development and deployment of next-generation gigabit applications, created a national network of Smart Gigabit Communities, which includes Urbana-Champaign. The USIgnite team is interested in working with students, faculty and researchers to showcase innovative applications. Current efforts include:
- Virtual Digital Inclusion Leadership Program (DILP), a low-latency Minecraft camp among regional fablabs and libraries
- SafetyInPublics, an NSF grant proposal to create a multi-disciplinary approach to public safety
- 4CeeD ( capture, curation, coordination, collaboration and distribution of scientific data) is an NSF-funded project to build a real-time data acquisition and analysis framework for material-related cyber-physical environments.
- Real-Time Data Acquisition and Analysis Framework for Material-related Cyber-Physical Environments
- These projects will be highlighted at the annual US-Ignite Application Summit in June.
To learn more about USignite visit