Designed to train the next generation of supercomputer users, the Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing (ATPESC) is scheduled for its sixth year in the Chicago area from July 29 - August 10. Deadline extended to March 15.
Doctoral students, postdocs, and computational scientists interested in attending ATPESC can review eligibility and application details on the website.
There are no fees to participate in ATPESC. Domestic airfare, meals, and lodging are also provided. Application deadline extended: March 15, 2018.
Renowned scientists, HPC experts, and leaders serve as lecturers and guide hands-on sessions. ATPESC participants will have access to Department of Energy leadership computing resources, which are among the fastest systems in the world dedicated to open science.
The core curriculum includes:
- Computer architectures and their predicted evolution
- Programming methodologies for today’s supercomputers and future exascale systems
- Numerical algorithms and mathematical software
- Approaches to building community codes for HPC systems
- Data analysis, visualization, and methodologies and tools for Big Data applications
- Performance measurement and debugging tool
Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing: