The annual Undergraduate Research Symposium will be held Thursday, April 19 from 9am-4:30pm in the Illini Ballroom, Rooms A, B, and C.
Please consider taking a short walk over to the Union sometime during your day to check out all the amazing research students have been engaged in this year. There are poster sessions and oral presentations.
There is a Featured Event during the noon hour:
- Trust as Expressed between Visually Impaired Alpine Skiers and Their Guides Ryan Wilson, Senior, Journalism, COM
- Gambling with Gametes: A Tale of Two Toxins Hajera Afreen, Sophomore, Molecular & Cellular Biology, LAS
- Making Art, Making Social Change Yana Martinez, Junior, Gender & Women’s Studies, LAS Eboni Bradley, Senior, Psychology and Communication, LAS/COM Mackenzie Schabowski, Sophomore, Gender & Women’s Studies, LAS Jigeesha Ghosh, Sophomore Psychology, LAS Monisha Roychoudhury, Freshman, Human Development & Family Studies, ACES Ryan Wilson, Senior, Journalism, COM Austin Neumann, Junior, Civil Engineering, ENG Emilie Belluomini, Senior, Psychology, LAS QingQing Yang, Sophomore, Computer Science & Mathematics, ENG
There are also a ton of events in the departments - be sure to check out what is happening across campus. Here is the full campus program:
And finally, the Image of Research - UR Edition will be on display in the Illini Ballroom as well:
Oral Presentations:
915am – 1015am Mapping Technology
Camera-Robust Visual Map Building and Localization
Max Feinberg, Senior, Aerospace Engineering, ENG
Video as a Sensor: From Discovery to Applications
Kyle Begovich, Sophomore, Mathematics 7 Computer Science, LAS
315pm – 415pm Contextualizing Difference
An Unnatural and Detestable Crime: Accusations of Sodomy in the British Royal Navy, 1680-1830
Mary Schiavone, Senior, English and History, LAS
James Bond: How History Has Shaped 007
Dylan San Roman, Junior, Journalism, COM
Tanizaki’s Naomi, Nabokov’s Lolita, and Nomi’s Lolita: Exoticism of a New Era
Lingjun Jiang, Senior, Art History, FAA
Poster Presentations:
Session PD – Science & Mathematics; 10:45am – 12pm
Session PG – Science & Mathematics; 1:30pm – 2:45pm
Session PH – Food, Plants, And Animals; 1:30pm – 2:45pm
Session PJ – Science & Mathematics; 3:15pm – 4:30pm
To learn more: