Deadline: November 2, 2018
IPRH announces the second cycle of a three-year competition for Faculty Fellowships that support Training in Digital Methods for Humanists (TDMH), a pilot program funded by the Investment for Growth Initiative of the Offices of the Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Research.
This is a mid-career faculty development initiative akin to the LAS “study in a second discipline” program. It is designed to confront head-on the challenge of equipping humanities scholars with the digital tools, computational methods and technological expertise they need to explore or keep abreast of changes in scholarly research, teaching, publication and communication.
The comparative absence of resources for faculty makes it challenging to refresh our research and teaching practice with new knowledge and expertise. We look, therefore, to campus experts to help humanities faculty acquire digital humanities ways of knowing. In so doing, in the course of the program, we will enable a dozen tenured faculty fellows to become proficient in digital methods. They will, in turn, help to reshape research initiatives and teaching agendas in their units in relatively quick time.
This pilot program serves as a bridge between humanists all over campus and the units (the I-School, LAS, the Library/Scholarly Commons, NCSA, and department-specific spaces) where methodological training in the digital domain is happening. It has the power to change up how humanists work and teach and in turn, to better equip them to be collaborative partners who can drive interdisciplinary digital projects as well as serve them.
Through a competitive application process, four FTE tenured or associate-level, or higher, specialized teaching faculty will be chosen to each receive a two-course release in order to audit two undergraduate or graduate courses already on offer on campus that will allow them to develop competencies in “digital methods,” broadly conceived. The study may take place in any campus unit.
*N.B. Auditing is a technical term that does not fit within the parameters of the fellowship.
TDMH Fellows will also:
- be assigned a faculty mentor;
- meet with and be guided by the TDMH Working Group and the TDMH Project Manager;
- have access to a one-time equipment budget;
- have one-time funding to pursue digital methods training in a summer program anywhere in the US up to $5,000 inclusive of all expenses;
- take advantage of digital methods programming and resources on campus as directed;
- participate in assessment and produce a final report of their experience, including accounts of how the TDMH Fellowship enhances their research and teaching; and
- help to organize a 2021 Summer conference at IPRH, showcasing the Fellows’ experiences and accomplishments.
Read the full Call for Applications
An informational session will be hosted on October 17th, 2018 at noon in the IPRH seminar room (424).