Introduction to ORCID for Research Administrators: What, Why, How?
Tues., Sept. 11, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Grainger Engineering Library
2nd floor conference room “Commons”
Gathering reliable, up-to-date, and timely information about researchers, their research output, and their affiliations is challenging and time-consuming for research managers. And providing that data is time-consuming and frustrating for researchers themselves!
Learn how ORCID can help through this webinar, which will cover:
- The Value of ORCID for Research Institutions and Research Administrators: Lori Ann Schultz, Senior Director, Research Partnership Services, University of Arizona
- What is ORCID?: Laure Haak, Executive Director, ORCID
- Funder Adoption in proposalCENTRAL: James P. McKee, Director of proposalCENTRAL, Altum, Inc.
More than five million researchers have already registered for an iD, and ORCID is embedded in well over 550 systems, from grant application to manuscript submission and beyond. Find out more about why and how ORCID can help your organization’s research managers.