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Experiential Learning Award (minimum $200)
This student shows an extraordinary interest in enhancing their economics degree with an experiential learning experience. Experiences may include, but are not limited to the following: study abroad, research, internship, attending/presenting at academic conferences, service-learning opportunities, and more. This award will go to students who have obtained an opportunity to enhance their academic career. Students must demonstrate a need for why this award will benefit them and their experience.
Service Award (minimum $200)
The ideal awardee has demonstrated involvement in volunteer and service efforts throughout their time on campus. Organizations may be at any level and have a variety of foci, but the student must demonstrate high involvement and a sincere desire to volunteer.
Economics Leadership Award (minimum $200)
This student demonstrates strong leadership in their University of Illinois Economics community. Leadership may be demonstrated in many ways, including positions with clubs and student organizations that are relevant to the discipline of economics.