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FIELD NOTES highlights the archaeological field work that the Illinois State Archaeological Survey's researchers perform around the state.

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  • January 2019 Field Notes

  • November 2018 Field Notes

  • The Cardosi Site

  • October 2018 Field Notes

  • Soda and mineral water bottles

    Between 2009 and 2012, ISAS conducted excavations within multiple turn of the 20th century neighborhoods as part of the excavation in East St. Louis and the New Mississippi River Bridge project. One of the more common artifacts found were soda and mineral water bottles embossed with the names of East St. Louis soda water companies.

  • Idiosyncratic point

    Found at the bottom of a deep pit dating to the Late Woodland period (circa 600-800 AD), this point displays surprising characteristics in both form and choice of material. The point is idiosyncratic, meaning it displays an unusual mix of aspects making it difficult to identify and compare with other known point types. 

  • September 2018 Field Notes

  • War of 1812 American socket bayonet

    August’s Artifact of the Month: This bayonet was found during the excavation of a structure at Fort Johnson/Cantonment Davis in Warsaw, in the immediate vicinity of a limestone fireplace. It is a standard United States issue model 1808 bayonet, representing the first regulation of U.S. accouterments of the type that remained in service until 1828.

  • August 2018 Field Notes

  • July 2018 Field Notes