The Campus Bike Center is an educational center, created through a collaboration between the University of Illinois and The Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign. With Spring and good weather approaching, now is the perfect time to get back to cycling. If you’re new to biking or if you’re unsure if your bike is safe to ride, visit the Campus Bike Center, now located at 51 E Gregory Dr. Champaign, IL for help catered to UIUC students, faculty, staff, and community members. With Campus Bike Center, you will be empowered to take on a new mode of transportation with confidence. Here are the top 4 resources offered at the Campus Bike Center
Free Bicycle Maintenance Classes
The Campus Bike Center is dedicated to empowering UIUC students, faculty, staff, and community members with knowledge about how to perform basic repair and maintenance of their bicycles. CBC offers a monthly “Fix-a-Flat” class, where students learn the anatomy of their bicycle wheel, how to diagnose air failures, and how to patch a leaky inner tube. This is an in-person class, where tools and materials are supplied, students just have to bring their bicycles. This class is free to all.
The Campus Bike Center also offers a basic “Bike Maintenance 101” class twice a semester, where students learn how to diagnose and fix common maintenance-related issues on their bicycle to ensure a safe and enjoyable ride every time, and avoid costly replacements to expensive bicycle components. This class is also free
Friday night group rides
The Campus Bike Center will organize group rides on every Friday in the month of April for a casual (slow) ride around and off-campus to explore the larger C-U community. These rides are typically 5 miles or less. Learn more here.
The Bike Repair Services
If you’re unsure if your bike is safe to ride or if you know your bike is broken, visit the Campus Bike Center for assistance. Bring your bike to the Bike Center to have it formally assessed. Once the issue is spotted, the Bike Center will work to fix it before sending an invoice. Payment for a bike repair can be done via phone or in person. Prices range from $10 for a pedal change to $18 for a flat. All pricing information can be found on the Repair Services page on the CBC website.
Rental Bikes
If you do not currently own a bike or have the resources to own one, Campus Bike Center provides bikes for rent. If you’re a student, payment is $15 a day for a maximum of 3 days. Non-students pay $25 a day for a maximum of 3 days. Because of the ongoing pandemic, a rental form must be completed prior to picking up your rental bike. This rental form can be completed on the Rental Information page at Campus Bike Center website.
The Build-a-Bike program, brought by the Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign, allows students to refurbish a bike for their own use. First, students must make sure they are also a member of the Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign, next they can request a bike to be tagged as a Build-a-Bike. From there, a staff member will assess what you need to complete your bike, telling you the expected “base” cost. As you work on the bike, you can continue to update your tag. This program is especially useful for those who want the learn the mechanics of biking as well as get an affordable bike.
Bicycle Registration
Registering your bike is mandatory for all bikes parked and operated at UIUC. There is a $10 bicycle registration fee to purchase a 529 Shield (bike registration tag) and other benefits. Such registration can be done at the Bike at Illinois’s Register Your Bike page. Campus Bike Center is one of the Shield pick up stations.
Remember above all else to bike safely, paying attention to traffic laws, and wearing a helmet. If you have any questions regarding your bike, feel free to reach out at