Happy Bike Month!
As finals week is rapidly approaching, it is the perfect time to clear your head and go for a bike ride. The month of May marks the beginning of bike month and an opportunity to play some Bike Month Bingo. Whether you are a new rider or a more experienced one, this activity shares some ideas of how to break out of your everyday routine.
Spend time this month discovering new trails or going back to familiar places from a bike’s point of view. Show Alma your newly pumped-up tires or bike to a local restaurant with a friend. Along with venturing out on your bike all over the Urbana-Champaign area, bingo may remind you to take part in some bike care and advance your learning. Bike month is a fantastic reminder to complete a pre-ride check, wash your bike, and make sure you are registered. There are a number of great bicycle related events scheduled for Bike Month on campus and in the community, learn more at the Bike at Illinois events page and CU Bike Month calendar.
The Bike at Illinois team would love to see photos of the places your bike takes you in the pursuit of a BINGO. Share and tag us on your biking journey on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. We look forward to seeing you take on the challenge, and maybe some of you will achieve a complete blackout. Remember to register your bike and buckle your helmet. Ride on!
Written and Graphic Created by Jacqueline Léveillé