Happy April!
Along with all the springtime weather, April marks the start of Earth Month. One of the best ways to take in the nature and scenery of the Champaign-Urbana area is to go for a bike ride. Not only is this a fun activity, but it has countless environmental and health benefits.
No Fuel Up Needed
One of the biggest threats to our beloved planet is global warming. Gasoline is responsible for many of the greenhouse gases released into our atmosphere. Biking is a fantastic alternative that is completely emission-free. All you have to do is put on your helmet and do a quick pre-ride check (see last week’s blog) and you are free to go on for miles without fueling up.
Limits Noise Pollution
Cars, trains, and planes contribute to noise pollution and congestion. Bikes on the other hand are virtually silent eliminating any noisy obstructions. Bikes are able to quietly transport you through our natural environment to hear everything from the rustling of trees to the peaceful sounds of running water. Enjoy a relaxing bike ride and cherish all of nature’s sounds!
Sharing Abilities
Even if you do not have a bike, you can still help the environment. The University and the Champaign-Urbana cities have partnered together to provide access to dockless bike-sharing. You can sign up with Veo for one ride or a membership to take part in environmentally friendly transportation. The Bike Project also offers refurbished bicycles at affordable prices which keeps old bikes out of landfills. Visit either of its two locations at the Independent Media Center or the Campus Bike Center. No matter if you buy or rent reusing and sharing bikes positively impacts our planet.
If you are interested in learning more about Earth month and related events, check out the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) website and their events. Remember that before you go riding, register your bike. Besides being mandatory, filling out the bike registration form is one of the best ways to protect your bike. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out to bike@illinois.edu. Connect with us on Instagram and Twitter @bikeatillinois and Facebook @bike.illinois.
Make sure to wear a helmet and ride on!