BeeBlitz weekend is here! National Pollinator Week has been going very well, and we're looking forward to finishing strong this weekend! The BeeBlitz has been generating lots of buzz, including a front-page article on local arts & culture magazine Smile Politely!
Bring your dad for some Father's Day bee spotting this Sunday, June 21, from 1-4PM at the Pollinatarium to venture out and photograph bees in the prairie surrounding the Pollinatarium. For anyone interested in going to a second location, Entomology professor Sydney Cameron will also lead an expedition to Buffalo Trace Prairie at Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve in Mahomet, IL (25 minute drive) or Meadowbrook Park in southern Urbana (3 minute drive). Please meet at the Pollinatarium by 1:45PM to join in on this trip. You can help us plan by letting us know you're interested, though you're welcome to participate if you don't sign up in advance.