Please do not make last-minute tutoring requests.
- Our tutors need 48-72 hours notice. They are students too and are supporting the whole college, so they need time to plan.
- While they have occasionally honored next-day requests, this is not the norm and should not be expected.
Please do not make last-minute Skills lab requests.
- Must be made 48-72 hours in advance. Remember that the lab closes at 4:00 PM and cannot accommodate evening sessions.
Lastly, tutors cannot re-teach extensive material—such as 12+ hours of pathophysiology/pharmacology lectures—in a single hour.
- Before booking a session, take the time to plan what you need to focus on.
- Think about what will be the most impactful use of your hour and whether you need to schedule multiple sessions to cover different topics.
- Being prepared will help you get the most out of these appointments.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.