We are pleased to announce the second year of an opportunity for significant funding to Illinois faculty teams, the IPRH Collaborative Research Projects. The IPRH invites proposals for funding for an interdisciplinary public event (or series of events) that will be of interest to faculty in the humanities, arts, and humanistic social sciences.
Four awards will be made in the amount of $5,000 each. The awards will be selected through a competitive review of applications by the IPRH Director and members of the Advisory Committee. Criteria for the award include:
- the intellectual content of the proposed event
- the feasibility of the plans
- the cross-disciplinary value of the event
- the potential appeal to the campus and broader scholarly communities
The application for the IPRH Faculty Initiative must involve faculty from at least two disciplines, and be of sufficiently broad interest to engage an audience from across the humanities and across campus. (Applications from individuals will not be considered.) Events can take the form of a one-day conference or symposium, a speaker series, or other equivalent public presentation of humanities scholarship. The proposed event will ideally take place during the 2011-12 academic year, but must be scheduled no later than October 2012.
The award recipients will be responsible for travel, hotel, and meal plans for the event; and are welcome to request co-sponsorship funds from other units to supplement the IPRH award. The IPRH will work with the awardees to coordinate dates and logistics, and will provide publicity for the event. All dates and plans must be approved in advance by the IPRH, and the IPRH name must be included in all publicity materials. Detailed guidelines for the authorized use of funds will be given to the successful applicant teams; please note that funds may be used for honorarium payments, but individual honoraria may not exceed $1,000, and no more than 10% of the award may be used for food and beverages. Reasonable travel, facility rental, and publicity costs will also be allowed.
Deadline: Friday, September 16 at 5:00 p.m.
Applicants must submit the following materials to the IPRH by the deadline date:
- A one-page description of the proposed event (including proposed speakers and informal budget)
- A one-page rationale for the event, including its scholarly significance and the benefits of holding the event at Illinois
- One-page CVs for each member of the project’s Steering Committee
Please submit all materials (compiled as a single PDF file) to the IPRH at by the deadline date. Application materials should be single-spaced, 12-point font. Materials submitted after the deadline, and those that do not follow the guidelines stated above, will not be considered.
Questions about the IPRH Faculty Initiative can be addressed to Christine Catanzarite at 244-7913 or