APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES SUMMER STIPEND PROGRAM FOR SUMMER 2012. Successful applicants receive an outright award of $6,000 for two consecutive months of research and writing. Recipients must work full-time on their projects for these two months, and may hold other research grants supporting the same project during this time. (NEH Summer Stipends do not require cost sharing.)
Summer Stipends support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to scholars and general audiences in the humanities. Recipients usually produce articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, and other scholarly tools. Summer Stipends are awarded to individual scholars; organizations are not eligible to apply. Summer Stipends support projects at any stage of development. The NEH welcomes projects that respond to its Bridging Cultures initiative; see their website for a description of this initiative and its goals. (Please review the NEH Summer Stipend guidelines for examples of projects that are not supported by the NEH.)
As a taxpayer-supported federal agency, the NEH endeavors to make the products of its awards available to the broadest possible audience. The goal is for scholars, educators, students, and the American public to have ready and easy access to a wide range of NEH grant products. For the Summer Stipends program, such projects may include digital tools, Web sites, and the like. For projects that lead to the development of Web sites, all other considerations being equal, the NEH gives preference to those that provide free access to the public. Details about access and dissemination matters can be found online at
Full-time faculty applicants must be nominated to the NEH by their home institutions, with two nominations (at any rank) made to the NEH by each university. Do not submit an application directly to the NEH. One hard copy of the completed narrative application (prepared according to the NEH guidelines) must be submitted to the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, which will review the submissions – with a review panel made up of members of the IPRH Advisory Committee – and make the nominations in mid-September 2011 (details below). Following the selection of the U of I nominees, those nominees will then submit their complete applications to the NEH. Awards will be announced by the NEH in early spring 2012, with project tenure to begin as early as May 2012.
Who is eligible? All applicants must have completed their formal education by the application deadline. U.S. citizens are eligible to apply. Foreign nationals who have been living in the U.S. or its jurisdictions for at least three years immediately prior to the application deadline are also eligible. Adjunct faculty members, academic professionals, and unaffiliated scholars may apply directly to the NEH; please consult the NEH site for details. Applicants who have satisfied all requirements for a degree but are awaiting its conferral may apply, but require additional documentation; see the NEH site for details. Individuals who have held a major fellowship or research grant or its equivalent within the last three academic years prior to the deadline are ineligible. (A “major fellowship or research grant” is a post-doctoral research award that provides a stipend of at least $15,000. Sabbaticals and grants from the individual’s own institution, and stipends and grants from other sources supporting study and research during the summer, are not considered major fellowships.)
Information can be found at the NEH site:
Please check the “Frequently Asked Questions” section for a detailed discussion of the awards and the application process. To see previously funded projects, click on the “Sample Projects” link; applicants may request a hard copy of one of these proposals. U of I faculty members who are planning to submit an application are strongly encouraged to contact IPRH Senior Associate Director Christine Catanzarite to discuss the details of the application process.
Completed applications are due in the IPRH office no later than Tuesday, September 6 at 5:00 p.m. Send all materials to Christine Catanzarite, IPRH, 805 West Pennsylvania Avenue, MC-057, or as a Word attachment to All applicants will be contacted no later than Monday, September 12; applicants who are chosen as nominees must submit their materials to the NEH by September 29.
For more information about the NEH Summer Stipends, please contact Christine Catanzarite at or 244-7913.