IPRH is pleased to announce its first cohort of Training in Digital Methods for Humanists (TDMH) Fellows. This pilot program, funded by the Investment for Growth Initiative of the Offices of the Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Research, is designed to equip mid-career humanities scholars with the digital tools, computational methods and technological expertise they need to catch up with or keep abreast of changes in scholarly research, teaching, publication and communication. Each fellow will receive a two-course release to pursue courses and training in digital methods on campus and will have resources to attend summer workshops as well. There will be two more cohorts of fellows subsequent to this inaugural year, culminating in a summer 2021 conference that will showcase the fellows’ experiences and accomplishments.
The inaugural 2018-19 IPRH TDMH Fellows are:
Ruth Nicole Brown (Education Policy, Organization & Leadership / Gender and Women’s Studies)
Anita Say Chan (Media and Cinema Studies)
Faranak Miraftab (Urban and Regional Planning)
Kathryn Oberdeck (History)
The fellows will be guided by the TDMH Working Group, 2018-19, for whose expertise IPRH is most appreciative:
Maria Bonn (iSchool)
Kevin Hamilton (Art + Design)
Bonnie Mak (iSchool)
Christopher Prom (University Library)
IPRH is also pleased to welcome Carolyn Randolph, who joins our staff as the Project Manager for the TDMH program. Dr. Randolph, who earned her PhD from Media and Cinema Studies in 2016 and has been working with the Champaign County Racial Justice Data Portal, will work with the Fellows and the Working Group to support the goals of the TDMH program. Please do greet her the next time you find yourself at IPRH.