IPRH is excited to announce the 2020-21 IPRH-Mellon Legal Humanities Research Group and the 2020-21 IPRH-Mellon Pre-Doctoral Fellow in Public Humanities. Please join us in congratulating the new fellows!
IPRH-Mellon Legal Humanities Research Group 2020–21
Funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, these fellowships and internships were open to scholars in all humanities disciplines, including the humanities-inflected social sciences, whose research and teaching interests lie in the area of Legal Humanities. Legal Humanities understands the law as both reflecting and actively influencing societal values, aspirations, anxieties, biases, and notions of justice, examining how law constitutes and shapes the social world in which it is embedded.
In total, the Mellon grant provided $2,050,000 to IPRH to support the development of emerging areas in the humanities: Bio-Humanities, Environmental Humanities, and Legal Humanities. The Legal Humanities Research Group marks the grant's final initiative.
Director and Mellon Faculty Fellow in Legal Humanities, 2020–22
A. Naomi Paik, Asian American Studies
Post-Doctoral Fellows, 2020–22
Sabine Ahmed, Philosophy, Vanderbilt University, PhD expected May 2020: “Discursive Legal Regimes and the Production of the Raced Refugee”
Beverly Fok, Anthropology, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, PhD expected May 2020: “Kinship of Territories”
Pre-Doctoral Fellows, 2020–21
Silvia Escanilla Huerta,PhD candidate, History: “A Fragmented Sovereignty. Indigenous People, War and Political Change in the Process of Independence in the Viceroyalty of Peru (1783–1828)”
Brenda Garcia, PhD candidate, Anthropology: “NecroSecurity: Youth, Death and Life in the State of Right”
Undergraduate Interns, 2020–21
Buthaina Hattab, major in Political Science
Maria T. Martinez, major in English
Adem Osmani, major in Political Science
IPRH-Mellon Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in Public Humanities, 2020-21
This fellowship is a one-year residency with the Odyssey Project, a free college-credit earning program for income-eligible adults seeking access to higher education outside traditional pathways. While in residence, the Public Humanities Fellow will participate in The Odyssey Project’s activities, co-thinking and co-learning with the Odyssey Project staff to develop the public humanities dimensions of her/his/their research.
Pre-Doctoral Fellow, 2020–21
Kelli McQueen (Music), “The Traveling Troubador.” Faculty Mentor: Eleonora Stoppino (French and Italian)