The first few weeks after winter break may feel very overwhelming, especially with new class schedules on top of extracurriculars, jobs, and personal responsibilities. Because we often feel swamped with work in these first few weeks, here are five tips to stay on track in the new semester:
- Stay organized! Keeping track of assignments in a planner is often helpful. Remember to check that planner frequently to see the assignments and events that you have coming up. Some people find it helpful to schedule their study time as well, and this can help prevent last-minute cramming before a quiz or exam.
- Read the syllabus! Although they might not be the most thrilling to read, be sure to read the syllabus for each class thoroughly so that you do not miss anything. This will also help you gauge the structure of the class and how the rest of the semester might look in terms of assigned readings and class meetings.
- Stick with a study technique that works for you. A lot of students find the Pomodoro Study Technique developed by Francesco Cirillo to be very helpful. This involves setting a timer for about 25 minutes, using those 25 minutes as uninterrupted work or study time, and taking a short break after those 25 minutes are up. After completing a couple of these study sessions (and breaks), it is beneficial to take a longer break before starting the process again (Cirillo, n.d.). For more information about this study technique, visit
- Seek help before you need it! Your tuition and school fees pay for resources that often go underutilized. UIC has plenty of resources that will help you be successful such as the Writing Center and Student Success Program. To book a writing center appointment, visit If you are in a program in the nursing school, for example, you could attend open lab sessions to practice your skills. To book open skill lab time at the UIC College of Nursing, visit
- Practice self-care! Try to carve out some time in the day to do something that relaxes you, whether it’s going for a walk, reading a book, or calling a friend. Along with this, prioritize your sleep. Even though it is easier said than done, our bodies and our minds need that rejuvenation in order to function optimally.
Cirillo, F. (n.d.). The Pomodoro® Technique. Retrieved January 23, 2022, from