On Wednesday, March 4, a group of high school students received an introduction to nursing career. They were a mixture of freshmen, sophomores and juniors. The students were all from very diverse backgrounds and different high schools across Chicago.
The evening started with a video about nursing history and examples of how nursing had evolved and changed health care. Then a group of graduate students from the college of nursing introduced themselves and their own experiences that led them to choose nursing as a career.
The students were then taught about proper handwashing, amidst the current Covid-19 warnings. They were taught how to properly put on personal protective equipments in the right order and how to take them off. The students learned the difference between droplet precaution, contact precaution, and airborne precaution. The evening ended with information about hypertension and how important healthy foods can help reduce high blood pressure. The students were shown how to properly take blood pressure. In the end, they were given the opportunity to ask questions and received more information about the program the College of Nursing has to offer.