The Cline Center recently organized the 2017 Boeschenstein Seminar on Public Policy which featured more than 20 academics, community advocates, researchers and law enforcement officers from around the country.
They joined us to discuss the need for a Cline Center-built comprehensive database of police shootings and their aftermath. This diverse and capable group came together to help create data that enables citizens, scholars and law enforcement agencies to develop a better understanding of police shootings, community responses and paths towards a safer and more peaceful future.
A video about the seminar is here:
We also want to extend heartfelt thanks to our distinguished guests and new friends from International Association of Chiefs of Police, Fatal, the NAACP, the ACLU of Illinois, the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), the Invisible Institute, the Dixon, Illinois Police Department, Charleston, Illinois Police Department, Streetcred Software, Inc, the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley, the Center for Law & Human Behavior at UT El Paso, and the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Louisville.