The Cline Center for Advanced Social Research is pleased to invite AY2018-19 applications for the David F. Linowes Faculty Fellows Program, which is made possible by a generous gift from the Linowes family. This program recognizes exceptionally promising faculty members doing innovative work aligned with the mission of the Cline Center. All tenure-stream faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign are eligible.
Linowes Faculty Fellows benefit from opportunities for innovation and discovery using the Cline Center’s data holdings and/or analytic tools. Fellows receive a discretionary research budget of $5,000, plus additional in-kind support from the Cline Center as needed, potentially including dedicated staff time and computational resources. Appointments will be for one year with the possibility of renewal for a second, depending upon the project, and successful completion of an end-of-year performance evaluation. Fellows are expected to maintain a regular presence at the Center and will be provided with office space as appropriate. They gain access to Cline Center staff, services, and computational resources for the duration of their fellowship. Fellows are also expected play a leadership role in conceiving and organizing the annual David F. Linowes Lecture on Public Policy.
Applicants should provide a short project summary (two pages, maximum) that describes the proposed project and its relationship to the Cline Center’s ongoing research initiatives. Additional merit criteria include the proposal’s: (1) use of, or contributions to, Cline Center analytic tools or data resources (e.g., SPEED civil unrest data, Phoenix event data, Rule of Law data, Composition of Religious and Ethnic Groups data, the more than 100 million articles in the Center’s Global News Archive); (2) likelihood of being completed during the fellowship year; (3) alignment with the mission and core values of the Cline Center.
A strong proposal will also mention deliverables to be completed by the end of the year (i.e., papers written, software developed, data compiled, analyses completed). It should also include a detailed estimate of in-kind Cline Center support that will be needed to complete the project (e.g., server resources, data acquisition costs, software development support, staff assistance for text analytics research, etc.).
Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their project ideas with the Center’s director before developing a final proposal. A faculty committee will evaluate the proposals. When evaluating proposed continuing projects, the committee will assess past performance and progress. Awards will be announced by May 1, 2018 and must be approved at the college and campus levels.
Proposals must be emailed to the Cline Center’s business manager, Sheila Roberts (, before 5:00pm on April 1, 2018. Completed proposals must include:
- A brief letter that discusses how the project fits within your longer-term research interests and goals;
- A short proposal (no more than two pages) describing the research project;
- A copy of your curriculum
Please direct any questions or inquiries to Scott Althaus, Director of the Cline Center for Advanced Social Research, by email ( or by phone (217.265.7845).