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LIFE Home Blog

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  • LIFE Home Construction Continues Despite Rainy Weather

    Come wind and rain, construction on the LIFE Home pushes on with the pouring of the footings as well as other preparatory work for the foundation.  The site is a-buzz with activity and the sheer size of the soon-to-be LIFE home is striking!   You have to admire these workers as central Illinois has been experiencing historic rain fall but they make progress nonetheless!  Bravo!

    construction worker laying conduit pipesign for Johnco constructionlarge white hoses at construction sitepipes being laid under concrete tunnel3 large stand pipes

  • front view of single-story house

    Construction Begins on LIFE Home! Expected to be Operational by New Year

    The construction fences are up and the foundation has been dug!  Construction on the LIFE began in early May with the foundational work being completed just this week.  It is expected that the foundation will be poured next week, weather permitting.   With all of the planning and preparation that has gone into this endeavor, it’s so exciting to finally be able to see the floorplan of the new LIFE Home in the correct size!


    Please look out for a live feed video that will be posted in the near future.  You can follow along with the progress of the LIFE Home construction anytime you like!

    construction equipment digging a building foundation construction equipment digging a building foundation