As a new general education requirement starting in 2018, the US Minority Cultures learning outcomes were submitted as part of the Senate approval process. These learning outcomes were refined by a small group of faculty who teach in this area and were shared with a larger group during a pilot General Education Assembly in Fall 2018. The process used during this Assembly became the strategy for the Spring 2019 General Education Assemblies. These were then made available on this website for campus comments. The comments were taken into consideration by both the General Education Board and the Council for Learning Outcomes Assessment, resulting in the revised draft learning outcomes for US Minority Cultures listed below.
After taking a course in US Minority Cultures, students will be able to:
- Foundations: Exhibit knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the history, life, culture, and/or contributions of racial minorities in the United States. (C-SLO 4)
- Context: Describe how issues of power, privilege, justice, inequality, marginalization, and resistance impact the experiences, conditions, and perspectives of U.S. racial/ethnic minority populations. (C-SLO 4)
- Application: Reflect on their own cultural positionality and be able to discuss perspectives and experiences of others. (C-SLO 4)
- Application: Conduct themselves responsibly, ethically, and respectfully in a racially and ethnically diverse society. (C-SLO 4)