Leadership, to me, encompasses many different qualities. Two, in particular, stand out above the rest: being a role model and demonstrating strength.
At its core, leadership means setting an example that inspires trust and dedication. A leader who doesn’t practice what they preach risks losing the respect and loyalty of their followers. By leading with action and integrity, a leader can build strong connections and motivate others to follow with confidence. Setting a good example isn’t just important—it’s essential for effective leadership.
Strength is another key aspect of leadership. Strength doesn’t just mean power or authority; it means having the confidence to make tough decisions and the resilience to face challenges head-on. A leader who appears uncertain or weak may struggle to inspire and guide others toward success. For me, practicing leadership means constantly striving to be my best self and approaching situations with both confidence and care.
My approach to leadership is also shaped by my core value of inclusivity. One of my top Clifton Strengths is “Includer,” which reflects my commitment to ensuring that everyone feels valued and connected. When I lead, I focus on bringing people together and fostering an environment where everyone can thrive. Leadership, at its heart, is about empowering others while staying true to your values.
Overall, effective leadership intertwines role modeling, strength, and inclusivity, creating a foundation of trust, connection, and empowerment that inspires others to reach their fullest potential.