When looking back on this past semester, one word that comes to mind to describe everything that has happened would be progress. There has been progress with being able to be back on campus after a long year of not being together due to the pandemic. There has been progress with our degrees as we are finishing up our classes. There has been progress in our leadership abilities, as we are continuing to learn more ways to be effective leaders. There has been progress throughout this semester, in one way or another, and it’s important to emphasize this.
Through progress comes accomplishments. Looking back on the semester and reflecting on your accomplishments is an important way to remind yourself of how far you have come. This time tends to be very overwhelming for students. We seem to become so occupied with all the projects, assignments, and exams that we forget all that we have done to get to this point. Even if it was a rough semester, think about what was good. It’s important to look for the good in everything we do. If we don’t have this outlook, how will we accomplish anything?
As another semester comes to an end, think about the progress you have made but also the progress that is to come. Set some goals for yourself next semester. These goals can be what you want to accomplish or what you want to see done differently next semester. I have set goals for myself this semester that I am continuously working toward, and I will continue to set some more goals for myself next semester. These goals help represent our progress and this comes about with the accomplishments we have made.
We have had lots of progress this semester. In one way or another, you have accomplished many things and have made it this far. Be proud of your accomplishments and your progress this semester.