Congratulations to Sustainable Design seniors Kendall Murphy and Rhea Khadye, who were both recently named 2024 Fiddler Innovation Fellowship Awardees! They were both recognized for their work with Design for America as part of the Student Resources team in Spring 2024. Here’s what Team Lead Kendall had to say about the group’s project:
“We collaborated with the student employment office to improve the employment rates for both the dining and housing jobs, as they both had very low employment rates. After conducting interviews, surveys, and outside research, we found that professional growth is a big factor in the jobs students decided to pursue on campus. Using this information, we created advertisements showcasing the professional skills that can be gained from various dining hall and housing jobs. We included a QR code that led directly to the application portal, and we chose to advertise in buildings that had a high traffic of students with majors related to career development opportunities offered by dining and housing jobs.”
Currently, both Rhea and Kendall hold board positions with Design for America, as the Director of Operations and Director of Design Education, respectively. Great work, you two! We’re so proud of you both!