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Sustainable Design Opportunities & Events

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  • Bates Scholarship Fund for FAA Continuing Student Success

    The College of Fine + Applied Arts has scholarship funding available to assist FAA students in good standing who encounter an unforeseen financial need which would otherwise prevent them from continuing their education at UIUC.  These funds are awarded based on unforeseen financial circumstances and are not meant to simply supplement a student’s education funding.   The maximum award is $1,000. Deadline is Wed, September 9.

  • Everyday Environment Webinar Series

    In this free series from U of I Extension, learn about natural resources and how to make small changes in your life to positively impact our environment!

    Solar Energy for the Home

    August 13, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    Is solar energy right for you? As renewable energy production is increasing in popularity, opportunities to incorporate solar panels on your home have become more available and affordable. In this webinar, University of Illinois Extension Energy & Environmental Stewardship Educator Erin Garrett will cover the basics of solar energy, what options are available for homeowners, and what points to consider when considering if your home is suitable for solar panels. Presenter: Erin Garrett

    Watershed Planning: Helping Communities Meet Their Water Resource Goals

    September 10, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    Join University of Illinois Watershed Outreach Associates Haley Haverback-Gruber and Jennifer Jones to learn how watershed-based planning is a collaborative, stakeholder supported approach to improving and protecting water resources. Learn how Illinois conservation professionals are working with local stakeholders to preserve our natural resources. Presenters: Jennifer Jones and Haley Haverback-Gruber

    Composting Do's and Don'ts

    October 8, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    Composting does not have to be rocket science, but folloiwng some basic rules will help make your compost the best it can be. Join Duane Friend for a discussion of the composting process, what works in compost and what should be left out, and basic management of air, moisture, and temperature. Presenter: Duane Friend

    Vermi-composting: Turning Leftovers into Soil

    November 12, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    When we are asked to describe an ocean, forest, desert, or even our backyard we can give a pretty clear description about what one might find there. When asked what is under the ground, we tend to be unsure and it becomes clear how little we know about what is below our own backyards. Worms come to mind but what purpose do they have and how can we harness what they do best? We can vermi-compost at home. Join Peggy Doty for one of her favorite topics, and personal activities, she utilizes at home and at work. Vermi-composting is one of the easiest ways to compost at home. It is odorless, easy, and makes winter composting so much more fun! Presenter: Peggy Doty

    All About Squirrels

    December 10, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. Central Daylight Time

    This webinar focuses on the ever present urban gymnasts that live up in the trees. Squirrels are a staple on many college campuses, backyards, and of course our forests, but how much do we really know about these mischievous rodents? Join Abigail Garofalo as she delves into the ecology and life of squirrels so that we can understand these amazing creatures. Presenter: Abigail Garofalo

  • Cash Prizes for Student Writers!

    iSEE's Janelle Joseph Prize for Environmental Writing gives Illinois undergraduates a chance to have their work published in Q Magazine and earn cash awards! The grand prize is $1,000, and $500 prizes will be awarded in four categories. Open to students in any major. Submissions accepted July 1-Oct. 15 | Questions? Email

  • Illinois Solar Farm 2.0

    Construction is underway on Solar Farm 2.0, between First Street and U.S. Route 45, next to the Village of Savoy. ☀️

    The array will produce 20,000 MWh annually, almost tripling the university’s existing on-site renewable energy generation.😎

  • The Career Center summer workshop series “Landing a Job in the Digital Age”

    The Career Center will be putting on a summer workshop series for students entitled “Landing a Job in the Digital Age” throughout the month of July.  We will focus on various job search-related topics in a post-Covid 19 and increasingly digital world.  This series would be a great fit for both students who are currently in a job or internship search, or for those looking to get a head start on strategies for an upcoming search. 

    Effective Networking- Wednesday, July 1, 5-6 p.m. (Zoom)Register at

    The Job Search Process- Wednesday, July 8, 5-6 p.m. (Zoom)Register at

    Acing Your Interview- Wednesday, July 15, 5-6 p.m. (Zoom)Register at

  • Apply for the SPIN AY 2020-21 internships at NCSA

    Apply for the SPIN AY 2020-21 internships at NCSA. The application deadline is June 1st.

    NCSA has a history of nurturing innovative concepts, and some of the best ideas have come from highly motivated, creative undergraduate students. The Students Pushing Innovation (SPIN) internship program was launched to provide University of Illinois undergraduates with the opportunity to participate in hands-on research and contribute to interdisciplinary projects covering focused research areas in Culture and Society, Earth and Environment, Bioinformatics and Health Sciences, Material and Manufacturing, Data and Computational Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, and Digital Agriculture. The SPIN program is now accepting applicants for the 2020-2021 academic year. To apply, please visit our website,, and click on the “Mentors” tab to learn about the SPIN projects, and then click on the “Apply” tab. The application deadline is June 1, 2020.

    SPIN Academic Year 2020-21 program details:

    Program dates: August 24, 2020 – May 5, 2021 (Fall and Spring semesters)

    Work 5 hours/week for 16 weeks each semester

    SPIN interns earn $12.50 per hour and are paid as Undergraduate Hourly employees

    Any UIUC undergraduate student in good academic standing and enrolled in 12 credit hours each semester

    No restriction on year of study or major

    International students are eligible

  • International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) online workshops about CPT, OPT, and STEM OPT (BSSD is a STEM major for OPT!)

    Are your international students interested in gaining work experience in the U.S.?  Do they have questions about work authorization options? Please forward the following information about our online workshops and virtual office hours:

    Looking to learn more about Curricular Practical Training (CPT), Optional Practical Training (OPT), or STEM OPT?

    International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) now offers online workshops about CPT, OPT, and STEM OPT for students interested in working in the U.S. Student workshops are posted on our media space channel, which can be found by clicking here.  Still have questions?  We invite you to join us for virtual office hours on Tuesdays @11 and Fridays @2pm.  More information about our offerings, including a full schedule of office hour sessions is available on our website:

  • Siebel Center for Design We CU Community Engaged Scholars

    Siebel Center for Design is delighted to invite you to participate in a new campus-wide summer program: We CU Community Engaged Scholars. Please submit your interest!

    We are launching this summer scholars program to empower University of Illinois students to respond to community needs and challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Scholars will receive the following:

    A new community-based project matched to your interests, or support for existing projects, that can be completed remotelyTools for tracking service hours and activitiesOnline training and supportOpportunity to apply for mini grants to offset costs associated with service activitiesHonor and recognition for completing at least 40 hours of service during the 10-week summer program

    We CU Community Engaged Scholars may address a range of COVID-19 issues related to health promotion and disease prevention, economic recovery, social equity, communication, technology, and more. Scholars will be trained, supported, and actively engaged in the service and engagement mission of our university.

    Please refer to the one-page program summary, including frequently asked questions, and contact Emily Stone ( with additional questions. You may submit your interest in joining the program at

  • Newsletters for students to join


    Our weekly emailed newsletter keeps you in-the-know about sustainability events, internship and job openings, conferences, research funding opportunities, and campus happenings in sustainability. Sign up at


    Illinois Sustainability Technology Center (ISTC) Newsletters

    Keep up to date with all of ISTC's activities by joining the newsletter email list.

  • Rachel Carson Council Campus Fellowship Program is a paid opportunity designed for students who have a passion for sustainability and environmental justice

    RCC is excited to share that we are extending the application deadline for the Fellowship program to this Friday, May 8th. 

    We were incredibly excited to see the volume of interest in the fellowship program this year and we wanted to be sure that everyone interested had the opportunity to apply. 

    As apart of the Rachel Carson Council Campus Programs, the Fellowship Program is a paid opportunity designed for students who have a passion for sustainability and environmental justice. As part of the program, students will work on a campaign or project on your campus to promote sustainability over the course of the next academic year.

    Our current fellows have engaged in a number of ambitious projects, from divestment to tackling campus food insecurity. Read about our current fellows and their projects here. 

    Students accepted into the program will receive a $2,000 (!!) stipend over the course of the year for their work. Furthermore, they will get to attend a grassroots organizing training with RCC, as well as the opportunity to publish about their work over the course of the year through RCC.

    The application process is very simple, requiring only a one-page proposal, a resume, and a letter of reference from a professor. You can find the application for the program here. 

    Please reach out if you have any questions about the program and, remember, the new application deadline is this Friday, May 8th. 

  • Summer Virtual Leadership Development Opportunities

    Looking for something to do this summer? Why not take some time to develop your leadership skills!! Check out below for some virtual opportunities…

    ILC Podcast Discussion Club: Summer 2020

    The ILC will be starting a summer podcast discussion club for University of Illinois Faculty/Staff and students. The discussion club will meet for 1 hr every other week beginning the week of May 17 through end of July.  Participants will be given approximately 2 hours of podcast content to review prior to each session. The day of week and time will be determined based on those who express interest. 

    If this opportunity interests you, please fill out the below form by Friday, May 8th

    You will be notified by May 11th with the final date/time of the club and the first set of podcast episodes.  At this time the podcast club is scheduled to meet via Zoom.  

    If you have questions, contact Dr. Beth Hoag at 

    Online Workshops

    As COVID-19 forces society to distance ourselves from each other, the ILC has been and continues developing online modules designed to enhance a variety of competencies from the Illinois Model of Leadership. Below are the current modules available or in progress:             

    Inclusive Conversations Interpersonal/Team: Psychological Safety Productivity & Goals (in progress) Systems Thinking Virtual Teams (in progress)

    For full descriptions and instructions to enroll into the modules, please go to:

    Online Integrity i-Program

    The Online Integrity i-Program focuses on skills necessary for interpersonal and organizational ethical leadership. Students who participate in online Integrity will engage in virtual discussions and complete activities around values, ethics, and morals and discuss how to successfully navigate them.

    Please go to: for instructions to enroll into this program.

    Please note, Online Integrity will not be available from May 7th to May 18th and will be available until June 29th once it’s reopened.

    The #IlliniLeader’s Digest

    A digital space for ILC stakeholders to voice their general perspectives about leadership. We encourage all to create a post that inspires, guides, promotes, and entertains other leaders.

    Visit the blog by going to

  • Climate Activism for the Graphic Designer 101 by Professor Eric Benson