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Leading the charge against COVID-19
The University of Illinois System is leading the charge in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic—from innovative testing solutions, to clinical trials for vaccines and treatments, to pioneering new research and innovations, to providing resources and assistance for our communities, and more.

blog posts

  • Dummy head with mask in lab

    How masks affect speech acoustics

    Masks are an important tool for fighting COVID-19 but wearing one can make it difficult for others to hear us speak. Using a unique laboratory setup, UIUC researcher Ryan Corey tested how different types of masks affect the acoustics of speech.

  • Dr. Del Rios receiving vaccine

    First vaccine doses in Chicago

    Five front-line medical workers, including UI Health's Dr. Marina Del Rios, received the vaccine against COVID-19 in Chicago on Tuesday, December 15, marking an important milestone in the fight against the coronavirus.

  • UI Health & UIC logo

    UI Health now operating 4 COVID-19 testing & triage clinics

    UI Health teams have worked together to plan, develop, and launch four COVID-19 triage and testing sites at various locations to help manage the flow and influx of patients with COVID-19 symptoms and exposure.

  • Social work professor Liliane Windsor

    Adapting HIV/AIDS interventions

    A research project being co-led by a UIUC social work professor is exploring whether interventions that have been effective at engaging high-risk populations in HIV/AIDS testing and treatment can be adapted to achieve similar effects in mitigating COVID-19.

  • COVID-19 electrochemical sensing platform

    Paper-based detection sensor

    An Urbana-Champaign bioengineering graduate student has co-developed a rapid, ultrasensitive test using a paper-based electrochemical sensor that can detect the presence of the virus in less than five minutes. 

  • Student providing saliva sample into test tube

    1 million saliva tests milestone

    The University of Illinois System surpassed a COVID-19 testing milestone Wednesday, performing 1 million rapid, saliva-based tests across its three university campuses since August.

  • surgical mask on pavement

    Pandemic impact on waste

    Anne-Marie Hanson, associate professor of environmental studies at the University of Illinois Springfield takes a look at the impact of COVID-19 on waste patterns, waste workers, and waste habits.

  • Chicago neighborhood with children playing

    Neighborhoods and death rates

    A new study led by researchers at the University of Illinois Chicago has found that Chicago neighborhoods with barriers to social distancing, including limited access to broadband internet and low rates of health insurance, had more COVID-19 deaths in spring 2020. 

  • Patient in rear-view car mirror getting testing instructions

    Pop-up Rantoul testing clinics

    An interdisciplinary team of scientists at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is working with clinicians and community researchers to expand access to COVID-19 testing by providing pop-up testing clinics for agricultural workers and others at various locations in Rantoul, Illinois.

  • downward trend arrow with COVID-19 symbols

    Economic impact of COVID-19

    Kenneth Kritz, distinguished professor of public administration at UIS, examines the economic impact of the pandemic on the United States economy.

  • Activated immune cells clear from the virus infection, which damaged respiratory cells

    Protective role sex steroids play

    A new paper from a UIC researcher shows evidence that suggests sex steroids may play a role in protecting against COVID-19 symptoms.

  • Janet LIn

    Clinical trials for blood clot prevention

    UIC will conduct three clinical trials for studying blood clot prevention in patients with COVID-19. Blood clots are one of the leading complications of COVID-19.

  • Masked Alma Mater statue

    Comparing COVID-19 testing methods

    Students, faculty members and staff in Urbana-Champaign who are asked to quarantine after COVID-19 exposure or a positive test now have the opportunity to participate in a study that will help inform the national effort to manage the pandemic.

  • Profs. Johnson and Wooldridge with Chancellor Jones outside trailer

    New mobile COVID-19 lab prototype

    The Grainger College of Engineering at UIUC has completed the prototype for a mobile laboratory designed to demonstrate a way to rapidly deploy the saliva-based test for COVID-19 developed at the university.

  • CDC coronavirus up close image

    Phase 3 monoclonal antibody clinical trial

    Researchers at UIC are now enrolling people into a phase 3 clinical trial that will test if a monoclonal antibody treatment will help protect uninfected individuals from acquiring or getting sick from COVID-19 after someone in the household tests positive for COVID-19.

  • Detecting outbreaks through wastewater

    The Walder Foundation has awarded a Discovery Partners Institute science team led by UIC $1.25 million to develop a prototype capability for detecting COVID-19 outbreaks and trends in Chicago’s wastewater.

  • Ruby Mendenhall and Robin Wilson

    Citizen COVID-19 blogging project

    Ruby Mendenhall and Robin Wilson at the University of Illinois have come together to lead a blogging project on COVID-19 throughout Illinois. They've signed-up citizen scientists to share their perspectives.