Aaron is a doctoral candidate in EPOL with a concentration in Diversity and Equity. He has nearly 20 years of experience in training and education, first as a training supervisor with the U.S. Navy then as a high school teacher, administrator, and instructional leader. Academically, he has completed all coursework and exams and has moved into the disseration phase. His primary interest is in establishing clear guideposts that can help to operationalize anti-racism for classroom teachers so they have a path to follow to ensure that their approach with all students is as racially equitable as possible.
Graduate Advisor: Dr. Denice Ward Hood
Expected Graduation Year: 2023
Academic Background:
B.A. Justice Studies - Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois
M.Ed. Educational Policy, Organization, & Leadership - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/aschlessman