Drilling information, whether it be for water wells or gas or oil wells, is available on interactive maps on the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) website. Online users can locate drilled wells on the Illinois maps and obtain historical and up-to-date well records from vast databases.
The Illinois Water Well (ILWATER) Interactive Map is the official repository for records of wells drilled in Illinois. Paper records are archived for over 700,000 wells. Some records go back as far as the late 1800s.
Water and related well data can be accessed for private water wells, engineering borings, and stratigraphic borings. Many of the paper records have been converted to digital and are searchable within the interactive Map.
The Illinois Oil and Gas Resources (ILOIL) Interactive Map allows online access to more than 200,000 Illinois oil and gas well records. Through the database, users can view other data layers such as producing horizons, samples, core analysis data, structure contours, flood areas, and oil fields. Through these layers, the application also provides access to other resources including well summary sheets, logs, core analysis reports, and oil field statistics.
ILWATER and ILOIL can be accessed through mobile devices, as users are automatically directed to the mobile version of the maps and databases.
Both datasets that feed the interactive maps are updated every evening. For more information about the map services and databases, contact info@isgs.illinois.edu.