When you need to request a new C-FOAPAL accounting string to track a certain type of activity (such as a professor’s research), do you sometimes find yourself unsure on which type of C-FOAPAL segment to request when submitting your Banner Fund, Program, Index (FPI) Request Form?
If so, then refer to the webpages linked below. These webpages are a helpful resource and will help give you a better sense of which C-FOAPAL segment needs to be established when making your request. They will also enable you to have a better understanding of the proper terminology to use when discussing these matters with UAFR. Using the proper terminology in your requests and in your discussions with UAFR will help us process your requests more efficiently & effectively.
For example, if you are trying to establish a unique Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) C-FOAPAL that can be used to account for your professor’s research activities, then step 2c within the Procedure section of the ICR Funds Overview policy will help explain that you most likely will need a new program code (as opposed to a new fund or a new account). Other fund types (such as state and administrative allowance funds) follow a similar methodology as well.
If you have further questions on this topic, refer to the Business & Finance Who to Ask list and search on “FPI” or “C-FOAPAL” or “Program Code” in the Search box located in the upper right-hand corner of the webpage. The contact information for the applicable UAFR subject matter experts will then appear.