Does your unit receive gifts, donations, or contributions from external parties? If so, see below for guidelines to follow when depositing these receipts:
- All gifts must be deposited and processed by the University of Illinois Foundation (UIF) via an applicable transmittal form. The webpage at contains the various types of transmittal forms and related instructions that you’d need to use to properly deposit your gift.
- If the donation is a current use gift, then the UIF will most likely sweep the proceeds to a Banner gift fund (fund type 4M) in the subsequent week.
- For further details, see the policies from Section 11 of the Business and Financial Policies and Procedures. The policies outlined below may be helpful to reference depending on the type of donation you have received:
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the applicable subject matter experts within the Gift Funds section of UAFR’s Who to Ask list.
Also, the administrative staff at UIF are also a great resource to reach out to if you have questions on this topic. They can be reached by phone at (217) 333-0675 or email at