Non-Employee Travel
Arranged Travel is as simple as ever. In the switch to Chrome River, there is no longer the Travel Arranger Roll or Arranged Travel Purposes. Now, anyone with a TCard can pay for another person’s travel arrangements and reconcile the charges! This can be particularly useful when arranging travel for a non-employee. So, what’s the tip this week? Help your expense reports get approved by using the “Non Employee Expenses” tile (account code 154900) when you have charges for a non-employee’s travel (hotel, flight, taxi, etc.).
Chrome River will automatically assign an expense tile based off vendor information, so be sure to update it. This update can be completed in the eWallet when the charge first comes in or when you attach the TCard transaction to the expense report. To pull up the full tile menu to make the change, you will need to click on the down arrow of the assigned tile.
If you forget this important step and your report gets rejected, you will need to recall the report to your draft list to make changes. Once in your drafts, open the report and select the line item needing changes. Start editing the line item and click on the assigned tile to pull up the full tile menu. For hotel charges that are fully itemized you will need to delete the itemization and the item line and correct the tile in the eWallet.
For a brief walkthrough of this process, please see the ChromeRiver - Non-Employee Travel Job Aid, found on the Chrome River Resource page.
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If you have questions about Chrome River, please use the Service Request Form. For Chrome River Specific issues and feedback, please select University Payables (Invoice, Vendor ID, Travel, PCard), which will enable you to specifically select Chrome River Inquiries.