| Hello Working Group Members and guests, Thank you for your involvement in the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy. We are pleased to announce the upcoming schedule for the remaining 2024 NLRS Working Group Meetings and the release of the new NLRS Membership Handbook. Below, you will find a link to access the handbook and the schedule for the upcoming fall meetings. If you wish to join any of the working groups listed or modify your membership status, please contact us at NLRS@illinois.edu. | |
| NLRS Membership Handbook We understand that the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy working group membership is continually evolving and expanding. In order to facilitate the onboarding and communication process for new members and stakeholders, we have developed a comprehensive membership handbook. This handbook provides valuable information on the structure of the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy, the responsibilities associated with each working group, and updated annual member lists. It is our aim to enhance communication about the NLRS Partnership within your organization and externally. We are pleased to announce the launch of the new NLRS Membership Handbook! | |
| Nutrient Monitoring Council Virtual Meeting on Sept. 26 from 9:30-Noon The Nutrient Monitoring Council is comprised of representatives from agencies and organizations involved in monitoring nutrients, including Illinois EPA, the Illinois State Water Survey, U.S. Geological Survey, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, wastewater treatment plants, agricultural groups, and others that perform monitoring. With input from the Policy Working Group, the Nutrient Monitoring Council meets to coordinate the development and implementation of monitoring activities that provide the information necessary to calculate annual nutrient loads leaving the state and selected priority watersheds, and assess improvements to or declines in water quality. Tentative Agenda: - Continuous Gage Statewide Nutrient Loads ???, USGS
- HUC 8 Nutrient Loads and Yields, Jenny Murphy, USGS
- Illinois River Basin NGWOS Update, Jim Dunker, USGS
- Call for presentations
Download the invitation | |
| Performance Benchmark Meeting on Oct. 22 from 9:30-Noon in Bloomington Special thanks to Illinois Soybean Association for hosting this meeting. The Performance Benchmark Committee is comprised of Policy Working Group members and coordinates with other sector work groups to identify on-the-ground steps needed to meet the 2025 interim milestones and ultimate 45 percent nutrient loss reduction goals of the Illinois NLRS. This committee also provides input on adaptive management strategies and implementation reporting metrics from all sectors. Tentative Agenda: - 2025 Interim Milestone Discussion
- NLRS Dashboard Planning Discussion
- Water Dashboard Updates
- Point Source Dashboard Planning
- Agriculture Dashboard Planning
- Stormwater Dashboard Planning
Download the invitation | |
| Policy Working Group Virtual Meeting on Nov. 7 from 1-3:30 The Policy Working Group is made up of representatives from state and federal agencies, industry, universities, agriculture, wastewater treatment agencies, and non-governmental organizations. This group will meet at least twice a year to guide the implementation of the strategy, consider policy issues raised in public comments, explore funding opportunities, identify needed legislative initiatives, and network with the appropriate people and groups. Tentative Agenda: - Working Group Reports
- Nutrient Monitoring Council Report
- Performance Benchmark Report
- Ag Water Quality Partnership Forum Report
- Urban Stormwater Working Group Report
- Dashboard Planning Update
- 2025 Interim Goal and Strategy 2.0 Discussion
- Precision Conservation Management Conversation, Megan Dwyer
Download the invitation | |
| AWQPF Tech Virtual Meeting on Dec. 10 from 10-Noon The Agriculture Water Quality Partnership Forum Technical Subgroup is comprised of representatives of state and federal agencies, as well as agriculture and conservation organizations, and is charged with determining the process and procedure for tracking and reporting agriculture conservation practices for the NLRS Biennial Report. Tentative Agenda: - NLRS Ag Dashboard Update
- New Agriculture Data Requests for NLRS Dashboard
- Resource and Outreach Data Reporting
Download the invitation | |