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The #IlliniLeader's Digest
A digital space for ILC stakeholders to learn and voice their perspectives about leadership...

blog posts

  • Why Leadership is Important to Me (And for You!)

    In this post I talk about a personal experience from high school that was a foundational piece of my experience in becoming a leader. I use this as an example of why leadership is important to me by describing how I came to view myself as a leader and the impact I have had on others as a result.

  • science and leadership

    Undertaking the Leadership Certificate with a Science PhD

    This post shares the experience of a Ph.D. student who also took on the Leadership Certificate Program, offered at the ILC. He talks about his experience, why he decided to do it, and the benefits that came out of the program for him. 

  • When Opportunity Knocks 

    This post talks about how to build your own personal leadership style and the benefits that can come from it. This post also gives advice on ways to improve your leadership and be a better leader to others in many different scenarios of life.