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The #IlliniLeader's Digest
A digital space for ILC stakeholders to learn and voice their perspectives about leadership...
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  • online teaching

    Reflections: Being a Student Leader in a Pandemic and Lessons Learned

    This post provides reflections from UIUC students on this past Fall semester and how they felt about the changes and transition to online classes. 

  • team foxcatcher

    What Can Bad Leadership Lead to?

    The movie Team Foxcatcher (2016) is a perfect example of how multi-faceted ethical leadership issues can be. The story shows what bad leadership can do to subordinates and how maybe the leader isn't the only person to blame for the end result.

  • Why Leadership is Important to Me (And for You!)

    In this post I talk about a personal experience from high school that was a foundational piece of my experience in becoming a leader. I use this as an example of why leadership is important to me by describing how I came to view myself as a leader and the impact I have had on others as a result.

  • stressed business woman

    Stress and Free Time: Learning How to Appreciate Leadership

    When was the last time that you got to "stop and smell the roses"? In this post, I will be sharing my personal experiences with the stress that leadership brings and how I manage it. By reading this post, you will gain insight into how you can better appreciate your leadership roles and what you accomplish in them.