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A digital space for ILC stakeholders to learn and voice their perspectives about leadership...

blog posts

  • Ways to Relieve Stress

    This post shares some ways to help relieve some stress. With the start of a new semester, it's always important to find ways to calm our stressors and still remain calm during all the chaos that is to come. 

  • stress

    How to stay (sorta) stress-free in college

    This post shares some ways to help relieve stress in your life. With the end of the semester quickly approaching, this is a great post that gives some tips on ways to help handle the stress in your life!

  • mental health

    Prioritizing Mental Health in Undergraduate Students Working Towards Professional & Graduate Programs

    This post explores mental health in undergraduate students working towards professional and graduate programs. This post also gives advice and strategies on how to manage one’s mental health in college.