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June is Reengagement Month

blog posts

  • Returning to Work After COVID-19

    Working from home has become more than a benefit for almost all office workers. We’ve seen wave after wave of change: first transitioning to working from home, then leading remote teams successfully, then success techniques for setting boundaries and staying connected. Now we are looking at the how, when, who, and why of workers returning to their offices.

    Click here to get some answers to six big questions regarding returning to work.


  • Employee Resource Groups

    Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), also referred to as business network groups or affinity groups, have served and supported the culture of corporate America since the 1970s. Typically organized around a shared identity, such as race, gender, age, or mental health, they serve as a haven of belonging, offering a space for underrepresented employees to find one another, stave off a sense of isolation, and experience a reprieve from the daily aggressions they’ve endured at work.

    To find out more about ERGs, click here

  • Reengagement Month

    About Us is a multi-media project intended to provide inspiration and encouragement to our UIUC colleagues as we lean in through these difficult times.

    Click here for the About Us video.

  • Considerations for Returning to Work

    Virtually every company is focused on figuring out just when and how to return to “the workplace” amid this novel coronavirus pandemic. While many have decided to continue working from home for an extended time, most are grappling with the question of what a return to work will look like in this new era.

    Click here to learn about eight return to work considerations. 

  • COVID-19 Will Forever Change the Workplace

    Just as with 9/11, many of the major coronavirus changes that we’re experiencing now will evaporate, and things will go back to the way they were without much notice. But the coronavirus will permanently alter many elements of how we work. Let’s first talk about how the coronavirus is unique.

    To learn more about how COVID-19 has changed the workplace, click here


  • Future Work Trends

    The authors of this piece have done their bit of research and tried to investigate what the future has in store for employees and employers alike.

    Click here to learn about the 8 aspects that can trend and remodel the future of work post COVID-19.

  • Being Human

    We hear a lot about the economic and business implications of the COVID Pandemic, but what about the human element when it comes to a return to work? Adam Grant, Professor of Management and Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, believes there will be some that suffer post-traumatic stress as a result of the crisis but suggests there may also be some post-traumatic growth, in which people realize their inner strength and a deeper sense of gratitude.

    Click here to read more about returning to work and what that looks like. 

  • Circumstances Have Changed

    Circumstances—whether they be health or productivity related—have changed dramatically for workers around the globe because of the coronavirus this year, and it’s had an impact on their online discussion around the things they need from their employers going forward.

    To learn more about how companies will need to respond to employees when returning to work, click here

  • Managing Culture When a Workforce Is in Profound Transition

    After more than a year of working at a distance, many of the changes that COVID-19 brought will become permanent.

    Click here to learn more about this transition.

  • Turning Digital Overnight

    The world has turned digital overnight and businesses need to adapt rapidly to a new reality, based on having to reduce all face-to-face exchanges and physical contact to a minimum, and large-scale replacement with remote ways of communicating.

    To read more about the legal aspect of going digital, click here