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Spotlight on EPSY Alumni

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  • photo of Jioni Lewis

    Jioni A. Lewis, Ph.D. ‘13 (Adviser: Helen A. Neville)

    I am currently an associate professor of Counseling Psychology in the Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD). Prior to joining the University of Maryland in 2020, I was an associate professor of Psychology and Co-founding Director of the Critical Race Collective at the University of Tennessee.

  • photo of Emily Gates

    Emily Gates, Ph.D. '16 (major professors: Jennifer Greene, Thomas Schwandt, Lizanne DeStefano)

    I’m in my fifth year as an assistant professor of evaluation at Boston College. My role sits within the department of measurement, evaluation, statistics, and assessment – similar to QUERIES at Illinois. I’m the sole evaluation faculty member which has meant a fun challenge of growing my research agenda, designing courses, and leading evaluation projects.

  • photo of Jason Morphew

    Jason Morphew, Ph.D. ’19 (Adviser: Jose Mestre)

    This fall, I am starting my first year as an assistant professor on the tenure track at Purdue University in the School of Engineering Education, and I am affiliated with the INSPIRE research institute for Pre-College Engineering and the Center for Advancing the Teaching and Learning of STEM (CATALYST) at Purdue.