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The #IlliniLeader's Digest
A digital space for ILC stakeholders to learn and voice their perspectives about leadership...

blog posts

  • virtual setting

    Unmute, Speak, and Lead

    In a world stuck between virtual and in-person programming, our leadership skills need to encompass both settings. This article discusses one way you can be a leader in a virtual setting.

  • president

    Leadership Lessons from President Zelensky

    Leadership lessons from President Zelensky we can apply in our daily lives.

  • virtual leadership

    How to be a Leader in a Virtual Setting

    This post is about the tools you will need as a leader online, and how to work on the skills you are confident in to succeed in a virtual environment.

  • empathy


    This post starts by comparing empathy to shoes, displaying a metaphor for being the listener for someone's story. This post also shares a comparison and a way to think of empathy in a different way. 

  • leadershape

    How My Experience at The LeaderShape® Institute™ Shaped My Understanding of Social Justice

    The LeaderShape®  Institute™ was a great opportunity to learn more about social justice and hear from different viewpoints. My time at The LeaderShape®  Institute™  was very influential and I wanted to share how it helped my viewpoint of social justice.