The Communicator of the Year award is given to an individual who always seems to be standing there, ready, when the campus needs a hand. Here are just a few of the conversations we had with our 2011 recipient this year:
“Will you head an effort to help the University recognize significant savings from a budget line that has never been measured, isn’t currently defined and where people may hate you if you succeed in doing it?”
“Sure. I’d be happy to help,” she told us.
“Would you work with campus administration and deans to develop a communications plan to respond to an impending national release of rankings of doctoral programs that has no firm publication date, an incomprehensible evaluation and scoring scheme, and very likely will send some of our faculty into a panic?”
"Nothing would make me happier,” she said.“Could we make your hair stand on end for a comic sight gag on a national TV spot that will be seen all year long by colleagues, family and friends?”
“Um, I guess so,” she said.
If Charlotte Bauer, director of communications for the Graduate College, has ever said no to an effort that involves improving the reputation and brand of the University of Illinois, we have yet to hear of it. She is unwavering in her commitment to the institution. A calm voice and clear head in any situation. And, time and again, she leaves us shaking our heads and saying, “Wow.”
Which is why, today, we’re saying, “Congratulations” to Charlotte, our 2011 Communicator of the Year award recipient.