Do you have investments remaining in Columbia Acorn Fund, Z or Northern Trust Small Cap Separate Account under the Deferred Comp Plan?
- No. No action is required.
- Yes. Please continue reading.
These two investments will close and assets will transfer on April 30 to the replacement investment options listed in the chart below. Action is required only if you would like to select different investments; otherwise, this transfer will take place automatically.

What If I Do Not Want To Invest In These Replacement Investments?
Call T. Rowe Price at 888-457-5770 or visit to select other funds prior to April 29 at 3:00 p.m. CT. Any investments remaining in the closing funds after this time will transfer to the replacement funds. However, beginning May 1 at 8:00 a.m. CT, you may transfer investments out of the replacement funds and into other funds of your choosing.
More Information:
See page 4 of this brochure for more information about the asset transfer.
Contact T. Rowe Price at 888-457-5770, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. CT or access your account at You may also contact University Payroll and Benefits (UPB) at:
- Email:
- Urbana: 217-333-3111
- Chicago: 312-996-6471
- Springfield: 217-206-7144 or 217-206-7211
Deferred Compensation Plan Website