May 1, 2012 (Revised May 11)
To: Faculty and Staff Members
From: James P. Davito, Executive Director, University Payroll and Benefits (UPB)
Subject: FY2013 Benefit Choice (NESSIE) Enrollment Period
(Update 5/11/2012)
Available Plans: Four of the managed care plans that will be in place for FY2013 are known. Please note, however, that these are not necessarily all of the managed care plans that will be available in the upcoming plan year. IT IS STILL HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT EMPLOYEES DELAY MAKING HEALTH PLAN CHANGES UNTIL ALL HEALTH PLAN CONTRACTS ARE FINALIZED.
At this time the following health plans are available for FY2013 and will be available in the same counties as they are in the current plan year:
- Quality Care Health Plan (administered by Cigna)
- BlueAdvantage HMO
- HMO Illinois
- Coventry OAP (formerly PersonalCare OAP)
- HealthLink OAP
To be clear, the list of health plans above are those that are known to be available for the FY2013 plan year and is not necessarily an all inclusive list of the plans that will be available. Once all of the health plan contracts are in place for FY2013, the Benefit Choice Options booklet and the Benefits website will be updated with that information. Additionally, all employees will be mailed a letter from Central Management Services (CMS) telling them their health plan options and the end date by which a Benefit Choice Election must be submitted for those employees electing to change their health plan election. Employees will be given sufficient time to make their health plan decision and election.
As previously announced, the CMS annual Benefit Choice Enrollment period began May 1 but due to ongoing contract issues, the Benefit Choice end date has not been determined. As plan and premium information becomes available from CMS, the NESSIE Announcement page will be updated and mass emails will be sent to all eligible employees.
NESSIE Benefit Choice Enrollment: The online enrollment is available on NESSIE.
Benefit Choice Changes: During the Benefit Choice period employees may change their State health and life plan enrollments, opt into with proof of other non-state group coverage, or opt out of the State group health insurance plan; opt into or opt out of the State dental plan; and enroll or re-enroll in Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). Part-time employees may waive or elect coverage. Employees may also add (documentation is required) or drop dependents.
CMS has mailed employees a postcard regarding Benefit Choice requesting that employees use their Benefit Choice Election Form. PLEASE DO NOT USE THEIR PAPER FORM. University employees should use the online NESSIE Benefit Choice Enrollment Form.
A limited Benefit Choice Options booklet is available on NESSIE. This limited booklet will not contain rates or the managed care plan map, but will be updated as information becomes available.
Enroll or Re-Enroll in a FSA: Employees can use NESSIE to enroll or re-enroll in either of the two FSAs: the Dependent Care Assistance Plan (DCAP) and/or the Medical Care Assistance Plan (MCAP). FSA enrollments become effective on July 1, 2012.
DCAP allows employees to use tax-free dollars to pay for eligible child (age 12 and under) and/or adult daycare expenses incurred during the plan year. Employees and their spouses (if applicable) must be actively working to participate in this plan and have eligible dependents who attend an approved daycare program. Employees can contribute as little as $20.00 per month ($240.00/year) and a maximum of $416.66 per month ($5,000/year).
MCAP allows employees to use tax-free dollars to pay for eligible out-of-pocket medical, dental, prescription and vision expenses incurred during the plan year. An important MCAP change for the plan year beginning July 1, 2012, is the maximum annual contribution amount will be $2,500. Employees can contribute as little as $20.00 per month ($240.00/year) and a maximum of $208.33 per month ($2,500/year). All new MCAP participants will receive a MyFBMC Visa Card free of charge. If you currently have the Visa card, it will continue to work, so do not discard it.
The 2012-2013 FSA Booklet is on NESSIE and contains important eligibility and claim information.
Stay Informed: Employees are encouraged to check the NESSIE website on a regular basis to make sure they have the most up-to-date information. Follow-up email notices will be sent to employees as information becomes available.
Questions?: If you have any questions about your benefit plans or your options at this time, please contact your campus UPB Benefits Services office or send email to .
UPB Benefits Services - Urbana - (217) 333-3111
UPB Benefits Services - Chicago - (312) 996-6471
UPB Benefits Services - Springfield - (217) 206-7144 or (217) 206-7237
UPB Benefits Services (Toll-Free) - (866) 669-4772, Select Option #1
Documentation Fax Number - ((217) 244-3135