The Humanities Without Walls (HWW) Consortium is pleased to announce the 2017 Alternative Academic Career Summer Workshops for Pre-Doctoral Students in the Humanities call for applications is now available.
These workshops encourage humanities doctoral students to think of themselves as agents of the public humanities and showcase opportunities beyond the walls of the academy in an uncertain academic job climate. In summer 2017, HWW will sponsor our first national summer workshop for graduate students interested in learning about careers outside of the academy and/or the tenure track system.
We invite applications for fellowships from pre-doctoral students to participate in a three-week intensive, residential summer workshop for individuals who are working towards but have not yet received a PhD in a humanities discipline, and who plan to continue their degree programs while also considering careers outside the academy and/or the tenure-track university system.
Applications due: September 30th, 2016, Central Time
Learn more about how the 2017 "Alt Ac" Pre-Doctoral Workshops.