The Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity, formerly the National Physical Science Consortium (NPSC), is aunique partnership of industry, government and higher education. GFSD helps its partners to recruit, identify, select,and support outstanding U.S. doctoral students. Since granting its first fellowship award to seven young scholars in1989, the GFSD partnership has provided fellowships to more than 600 aspiring scientists and engineers. Of these,more than 60% of our fellows are women and underrepresented minority students make up a larger portion of ourfellows compared to NSF graduate fellowship program. More than 400 have received the doctorate degree. GFSD’sprincipal objective is to aid in increasing the number of Ph.D.’s in the physical sciences and related engineering fields, emphasizing recruitment of a diverse applicant pool of women and historically underrepresented minorities. All U.S. citizens are eligible.
GFSD fellowship program offers three main benefits:
1.Graduate fellowship stipend:
Initial support is anywhere from one to three years. If progress is satisfactoryand the conditions of the award are maintained, support may continue for a total of up to six years (depending on the sponsor agency). Students typically apply while seniors in college or first year ofgraduate school. (Some employers may require a postdoctoral employment commitment in return forcontinuing support.)
2.Internship opportunities at federal agencies:
You will be given an opportunity to conduct cutting edgeresearch at national agencies like NSA or NIST. Depending on the sponsoring agency, you might berequired to go through security clearance. And some agencies require summer internships for fellowships tobe renewed.
You will be a part of the supporting community of current and past fellows/alumni. Our alumni are leaders and experts in many different fields and they are willing to help! https://stemfellowships.org/alumni/
To learn more and to apply online, go to www.stemfellowships.org.
Students may apply NOW: the process closes in mid-December.
The information included on the online application is the same as that required for graduate school admission: degrees earned and expected, employment and internship history, grades (self-entered and laterverified), GRE scores, references, personal statement, etc. The Fellowship covers tuition and fees and provides agenerous annual stipend.
Contact us for more information: gfsd@stemfellowships.org